So I go downstairs and the first thing I like reading are those Calvin and Hobbes strip.I adore them. They make me laugh or atleast smile.Isn't that a nice way to start a happy holiday?
Audrey Hepburn said "I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."
I couldn't agree to her more.I love people who can crack you up in a jiffy.It talks laughable amounts of them.It shows how they can turn anything into a big comic satire. They say people who are jovial are mostly people who have a lot heart wrecking problems.Or they are the heart wreckers! I think,BOTH stand true. I don't know if nature has designed them like that but I think nature has given us/people a good blend of the right things.And it all boils down to how we choose those merry things/thoughts to have a merrier life.
Calvin and Hobbes!
The comic strips are so darn cute-funny! I love this cute 6 year old fella rambling anything and everything so confidently.He surely is a rage,world-wide. And I doubt,sans Calvin Hobbes ,there could be any other strip worth replacing this cutie pie!
i never really noticed that jovial people either have heart wrecking experiences or are heart wreckers...hmn ...interesting
and I love Calvin and Hobbes, never fail to make you smile :) :)