Aristotle said that once!
And it doesn't need a genius explaining you what that means. That goes without saying- there is a genius sleeping in all of us. And it is upto us to awaken it. Knock at it's door and say "Hey man...You're time is over! This is not happening any more. We've got to work!"
And believe me , WORK IS WORSHIP.Tell me the truth ,today anyone who is unemployed or not in that cliché list of "well to do" employment ..are they really respected? People have to earn their dignity and work towards excellence. It is what makes them truly human. It accomplishes the very desire of nature in placing you and me on this planet. We have to keep working towards something. Something Rock Solid. Something that defines us into what we want to be. I read the above quote and it just struck a cord in me to tell you tell the world that Excellence is really Everything! Each of us excel in different lines of a spectrum. And it is in those that we mirror ourselves. We mirror our souls.It is not the work that we do matters! How we do it is what matters!
Ciao guys!
Happy Week!
<3 <3
How we do is what matters, so true:)