The word Smile reminds me of:
1)The song Words from Boyzone that begins with "Smile, an everlasting smile ...."
That is one hell of a song that sure makes everyone smile,doesn't it? :)
2)My Mom's smile when I tell her something happy.She almost always smiles.Probably the most warm hearted person I've ever seen till date.
Moms are really the world's bestest people. I think if God never created Moms ,I don't know what I would've been today. :)
3)My Dad's smile when I tell him I've scored good grades or when I win some contest.
Dads make a daughter's world so colorful and supportive,don't you think? My dad used to support me everytime I got in trouble with back-answering my mom or did some mischief at school,ofcourse in a healthy way :)
4) My Brother who used to call me "frown face" when I was a kid!
I think that helped a lot during my growing days.That phrase used to remind me how often I get agitated over petty things. And how easily irritable I could become.
5) Smile..When that someone so special gives you without asking!
Life gives you that one person you'd rather do anything to retain they're smile and keep them safe in your arms for ever.
6)I'd recently gone visiting a Home for the run away kids.
And those girls. OMG! They're so mighty adorable. They are sent to private schools.Everything is looked after.They have few generous donors. It's amazing to see those girls circling around you with love & laughter in a few words of friendship you exchange with them. I think those are few things I'll never forget in life. When I left the Home, a small girl gave me a toffee and swiftly ran inside the house.Was that a token of love?Of happinesss? I was so touched. That's another post altogether. I smiled! :)
7)Reviving an almost broken Friendship.
It's funny how certain people ,when they become a part of your life,we don't realise how happy they make they're presence felt.The realization comes after they've ALMOST walked out your door.I grabbed that one final chance and made peace with a friend. I smiled. :) All the joys came flooding through those empty spaces.
8)Angels on earth.
There are another set of people ,who walk into your life so untimely,that they're very existence saves you of having you carry all the burden yourself!
9)And there are few other friends ..
Who simply stand by you no matter what. Be it,during the storms of life or a sunshine peeping through.
This smile is for the few constant people in my life who never failed to make me SMILE! :)
10)There are those who's connections we forge are very short-lived ,yet it makes our day!
I make mine almost everyday.You Go ahead, make that connection today with someone new! I'm sure you'll smile!
In this post, I wanted to stress the importance of SMILE but ended up writing a list of what makes me smile in turn making me happy!
I read my list, re-read it. Re-re-read it. It made me SMILE! :)
What about you? What's on your list of SMILES today?
This post made me smile too :D