There's NO reason not to Laugh!
happiness is what keeps you alive.. :)
True :)
Very true.... :)
And are you a believer of LoA? Something in these posts hint you are....
cheers ! and keep up the positivity.
Thanks *Purvi!! :)
*Dreaming Wanderer,Welcome to my space. Indeed,happiness is bliss! :)
*Madhusha ,Yep! I believe in LOA! :) I'm suprised you guessed! And yes,positivity is the gist of it all! :)
Absolutely, there is no reason for us not to laugh and be happy in our life. Infact we must try and be happy embracing every moment with gladness and our life needs a daily dose of laughter to have a healthy lifestyle.
Totally,Elvirah!! :)So happy this spirit of laughter is so infectious:)!!
wow! i didnt know laughing was so good for you..good to know. :)
someone's popular! :D
P.S: I'm not back as such! Not cooking myself, you see! :D
LOL *Kavi! You should hear some obsessive dreams I'm getting these days!!
*Matthew Lima ,Welcome to my space!:)
Who doesn't do good at a little laugh,buddy! :)
Very true, there's no reason not to laugh! When I'm around my best friends, laughter just comes out naturally :D
I love your blog's layout, it's beautiful.Following you back! And thanks for visiting my blog :)
Great advice--everyone could use a little more laughter. Thank goodness my coworkers are playing dial-up tones and AOL tones on their computers right now...a hilarious throw back.
So many thanks to you sweet *Sujana!! :)It feels so great to share the laughter:)!!
*Oh forgottenbeast! Welcome to my world! Happy Laughing to you! :D
*Tracie,definitely yes! Who doesn't!? :)
LOL - Lots of Laughter and Lots of Love for this post...
Like the full form of LAUGH, nice pic about the benefits of laughing :-)
Aakash Kokz
*magiceye ,*Sujatha and *Purba ,Welcome to my world! :)
*Saru ,Thanks a ton Saru!! :) Keep laughing :)!!
Thanks *Aakash, welcome to my space :).Keep visiting!!
Great blog :) This post really made my mind feel well :) I am laughing out he he he :p thanks for sharing and I am ur new follower :)
AWW.Thanks for visitng Lancy! :) We are the new chennai buddies henceforth! LOL! ;)
haha.. this did make me laugh! :D
No I don't have a boutique.. i wish I did though! Talk to me in ten years and I might have one!
Thanks for your comment! :)
Gr8 post :) Thanx for making me laugh whole-heartedly after a long time :)
*Stylish by Nature,welcome to my space! :) I'm happy this made you laugh! That's the whole idea.
Short and to the point. Laughing is by default and everything else is what we choose. Thanks for commenting on my blog & being my follower. Otherwise I would not have come across your wonderful blog...:) Cheers..:)
Pearls of Wisdom
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"we breathe through our laughs of life" well said :) :)