This Valentine's
The inkless metal beta pen looks like a truly amazing gift! I'd still personally prefer the cute clutch ;) haha
Wish you the same sweet *Rads :)!! I love those too! :)
Ditto here,*Sujana! :)Have a great Valentine's! :)
Thanks *Pallavi!Keep visiting! :)
Awesome collections here :)
1st one is my choice
the frog prince.. so cute :) wer did u find it??
Beautiful ideas! Thank you so much for sharing.
What I absolutely loved about the post though is the last part. How apt!
The frog prince weight is lovely...! :) I would love to be gifted a frog princess weight sometime... hehe..
Happy Valentine's to u too Jen..! :)
*Thank you thank you *Deepak.Glad you liked it! :)
I know Megha!! :) I loved it too.And welcome to my blog!! Keep visiting! :)
Aww.Sweet,*Poonam! Thanks! :)
*jojofeelings ,I am happy we share the same opinion.After all the hush and rush of life we need time for ourselves too right?! :)And welcome to my world!:)
Aww *Pranita!! I'm sure that idea is in someone's brain already.Before you know it,it'll be on high sales in the market!! :)
At this point of time many would be wondering what to gift their lovely valentine and please their heart. And you have relieved them of this burden by sharing us with the wonderful choice of your unique collection. Eacch of the item in the list would make an amazing gift, but for me I would prefer Inkless Metal Pen and the the Frogprince paperwhite. Thanks for sharing the list with us and I wish you in advance a splendid Valentine's day.
So glad this helped *Elvirah! :)Have a great Valentine's :)!!
Oh YEA *Diksha! :)
Thank you for nice comments and following my blog, I m following back:-) M.
Awesome Valentine gift ideas dear. Luvly collections!.
Great one Jen!!
Happy Valentines Day!
Hope you get all you wish for in that list!
Folks,we have beautiful blogs like these to remind us of love,and better,how to express it!!:D
Now all that's left for us is to buy some of those and share the love!!:)
(did i just sound like i own a gift shop?:P)
Spread the love and smile!!
A happy Valentines day to all!
Great pick, I wish my husband gives me Cole Haan bag which I want to have from a long long time...
Otherwise, anything at all :p
Happy V'Day to you:)
Thank you *Mila.So kind og you! :)
Aww *Anna_trek ,I'm sure there will come a day when someone'll be waiting to do just anything for you including buying all this ;)
*Kavi, that's such a great question! :D
Thanks *Kitchen Flavours.Welcome to my world!! :)
Hope you enjoyed the Valentine's *Sujatha:)!!
*Aslem you endorse my blog so well! Maybe I'll hire you my marketting Manager some day!:) Yes ,you guys keep spreading love.Hope ya all had an awesome Valentine's :)!!
*Saru Singhal,I'm sure your great desire will come true! Thanks and hope you had a great Valentine's!! :)And welcome to my blog.Do stick around more ;)!!
Aww..very nice :)
Belated Happy V day :)
Keep it up!
Thank you sooo much for your sweet comments. XOXO
*Megha Sarin ,thank ya for being here :)!!
*Emm , Fact is ,V-day celebrations in chennai are quiet awesome just that they happen indoors.It's just not happening enough to be happening extravagantly in public! ;)
I thank you because the article has told me something new. Read our blog for : Metal pen
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cute findings..i loved the cassette player clutch, and the metallic pen...awesome finds..happy v-day in advance :)